Tuesday, November 13, 2012


St. Frances was called "The Poverello", the little poor one.  He called himself a "lesser brother".  Here is his tomb, it is located in the 3rd Church or bottom level of the Basilica bearing his name.  The first Church built is now called "the lower Church", the second Church was built over it called, The Basilica of St. Francis and in the 19th Century the last Church was excavated out from under the lower Church so pilgrims could see Frances tomb.

The coffin is made of stone and is the solid block of limestone with iron bars around it just above the burning candles.
Tomb of St. Frances
The internet is very very slow tonight so I think only one photo will be possible as it took me 15 minutes to upload this one.

Today we had Mass at the Chiesa Nouvo, the New Church.  It is built over the house where St. Frances grew up.  Preserved in the Church is the prison cell his father held him in to force him to change his mind.  There is a statute of his parents outside the Church with his mother holding broken chains, she convinced her husband to release their son so he could begin his mission.  There is also the door St. Francis used to leave his parents house forever.  Also under the Church is St. Francis workshop.

Down the street is the stable he was born in.  He was most likely born in a stable because child birth was messy and Assisi women would often not have their births in the home.  There is also a theory that the manger story grew out of the fact Frances was considered a "new Christ" and so conformed himself to Christ people said his being born in a manager was like Jesus birth.

After Mass we climbed to the top of the mountain to the fortress one of the Franciscan Pope's built and walked around to see the spectacular view.  Once the fog cleared on could see all the was to the City of Perugia.

In the afternoon we hiked to to the St. Mary of the Angels, the place where Frances lived and where he died.  The Basilica is built over the little Chapel St. Frances built.  We then Hiked back, a vertical climb back to Assisi!!!


  1. St Francis of Assisi---one of my top 3! He is very inspirational for me. I love the pic and I love this history lesson. Great job, John. You totally made my day with this story!

  2. Joanne took Francis for her confirmation name because she so loved St. Francis! Thanks for sharing so much with us!!
