Monday, November 5, 2012

Maestre Pie

On Saturday I visited the Maestre Pie, that is the The Teaching Sisters of St. Lucy Filippini, simply called in the USA, "The Philippini Sisters".  They run a wonderful retreat house in Mantaloking, NJ called St. Joseph-by-the-Sea and have a convent on the same property.  I said Mass for them most of the Summer.  They are an Italian teaching Order but do other Apostolic work as Missionaries and retreats.  I have been very worried about Sr. Bruni, Sr. Gerri and Sr. Dolores.  I sent the Filippini Motherhouse in Morristown an e-mail to inquire how they were.  Sr. Betty Jean the US Mother Superior told me they were evacuated to San Alphonso in Long Branch and were safe.  They have been told the Retreat House and Convent are intact.  They were hoping to go down today if possible to assess the damage. Sr. Bruni just had a lot of structural work done this summer, quite extensive (and expensive) work on the Ocean side of the building.  They are right on the Ocean!  I can see the horrible damage around they house but have not seen any photos of their house.  Just a block away whole blocks have burned to the ground.  

Today I went back to meet with Sr. Virginia who though Italian spent many decades working in St. Joachim's in Trenton and Holy Trinity in Long Branch.  She also did missionary work in Africa.  Her English is very good and we had a very nice visit.  We of course spoke of the situation in New Jersey and I told them the Sister's were safe, they were relieved.  We also talked a bit about the New Evangelization and Sr. Virginia had great insights, she should be put on the Vatican Committee for the New Evangelization!!!  She had very practical things to say and some reform ideas for the Clergy and Religious of the Church.  The Maestre Pie are very forward thinking women!  Just when we were about to go outside the Mother General came into the dining room and I was introduced to her.

This is the School they operate, I can see it and the Provincial House from our kitchen here on the Hill, we look down on their property.  Though it looks like a hop, skip and a jump away, it takes almost 20 minutes on foot.  I have to go to St. Peter's, take a tunnel, then walk up several blocks to get to their place.  When we went outside I showed them where I lived, high above on the Janiculum Hill, they said they always wondered what that yellow building was for!

School Entrance

Provincial House Entrance, also for the School.

Mother General, me and Sr. Virginia

1 comment:

  1. I love this story! I'll pray that these folks at the Jersey Shore have minimal damage to their buildings. Glad everyone is safe.
